Jan Davidsz de Heem canvas

Jan Davidsz de Heem canvas paintings are extremely popular. This is of course not very surprising because he was a talented painter from the Golden Age. His works of art are chic, timeless and great to hang on the wall. Read about his life and most famous paintings.

Who was Jan Davidsz de Heem?

A painter who only painted still lifes, was born in Utrecht but only really made his famous paintings in Antwerp: Jan Davidsz de Heem! The nice thing is that this painter was apprenticed to Balthasar van der Ast , and that is why there are similarities in their paintings. Take a look below where you see a Jan Davidsz de Heem canvas painting on the left and a work of art by Van der Ast on the right.

From musical instruments to flowers

De Heem started his painting career by painting musical instruments and books, later when he moved to Antwerp these became flowers and fruits . You can also find these last paintings in our collection. We discuss the Jan Davidsz de Heem canvas paintings below.

And from student to teacher

The nice thing is that after this period De Heem also had a student: Abraham Mignon . We also have a number of paintings by this artist in the collection. Below you see De Heem on the left and a painting by Abraham Mignon on the right.
Jan Davidsz de Heem canvas

De Heem - Festoon of Fruits and Flowers

On this Jan Davidsz de Heem canvas painting you can see a festoon of fruits and flowers , it is remarkable that De Heem started to use much more color in his paintings when he moved to Antwerp. Much more use was made of this in Flemish still lifes.
Jan Davidsz de Heem canvas

De Heem - Still Life with Flowers

De Heem is of course not such a well-known painter for nothing, here too you see a still life that has been worked out down to the last detail. Can't get more detailed than that! This Jan Davidsz de Heem canvas painting is a nice addition to your home! Now choose your desired size and material.
Jan Davidsz de Heem canvas

De Heem - Fruits and Flowers

This painting is available in a rectangular or round shape, and on the materials: poster, canvas, plexiglass, forex, dibond or as wallpaper. With a wall circle you will keep up with today's trend. The round wall decoration gives a slightly different look than a rectangular painting. Create a unique look by hanging a wall circle in your living room.
Jan Davidsz de Heem canvas

Jan Davidsz de Heem order canvas painting at Walljar

View all still lifes in the famous painters collection. We are curious how the painting hangs on your wall! Submit a photo to info@walljar.com or tag us on social media.
