Mancave inrichten: de beste ideeën - Walljar

Setting up a man cave is highly regarded on every man's dream list. Are you finally taking on this project and looking for some man cave ideas or inspiration? We have tips that will help you realize your plans. Please read on!

Interior style

Furnishing the man cave naturally starts with the furniture. Having trouble choosing an interior style? Try metal and wood furniture! An industrial look fits very well in a man cave and gives a masculine atmosphere.

Add a bar

One thing that cannot be missed in a man cave is a bar. So get a bar with some stools and of course add a fridge to keep the drinks cold. This way you prevent walks to the kitchen and you always have a cold beer nearby!

Set up a man cave with a big screen

It is important when setting up the man cave that a TV is present . How else are you going to watch sports matches… not via a laptop screen? Find the right size screen or use a projector! Keep in mind that the screen is in proportion to the seats, so you can appreciate the pixels from where you sit. Are you a real fan of a football club? Then look in our football collection to see if there is a beautiful painting for you that really completes your man cave.
Man cave painting

A central games table

A dream of every man, but certainly not the most important thing to have in a man cave . If you do have the money, then adding a game table is a great element. Take for example pool, table football or poker: it really completes your man cave !

Decorating man cave with wall decoration

Very nice when all the necessities are there, but setting up a man cave without atmosphere is simply not yet. The easiest option is to add some wall decorations ! For real man cave posters you can check out our motivational collection , these posters will give the atmosphere you are missing.
Man cave painting

Know someone who could use man cave ideas ?

Share our tips with someone else! Looking for more decoration for the man cave? Discover all our collections !
